Hazing incident at David Crockett High reported prior to kickoff of Musket Bowl

Just hours before the kickoff of the annual Musket Bowl on Friday, a statement was released by Washington County, Tennessee Schools Superintendent Jerry Boyd disclosing limited details of a hazing incident involving David Crockett High School football players.
Head coach Hayden Chandley reported the violation to administrators and Boyd said the athletes involved in the incident are being disciplined according to school code guidelines.
The executive also said supportive assistance was being made available to the victims and noted retaliation against students who reported the hazing will not be tolerated.
Here is the report issued by the superintendent:
Jonesborough, Tennessee – Yesterday, Thursday, August 31, 2023, the David Crockett High
School administration was notified by the DCHS Head Football Coach of a hazing incident involving
members of the DCHS football team. Upon receipt of the report, the school principal initiated a full
investigation. The students determined to have participated in the incident are being addressed in
accordance with the athletic participation contract and the student code of conduct. Hazing cannot and
will not be tolerated in our schools and school programs.
Supportive measures will be provided to all students involved in the incident. Retaliation against any
person who has reported or assisted in any investigation of the alleged act will not be tolerated. The
consequences and appropriate remedial action for a person who engages in retaliation shall be
determined by the school administration after consideration of the nature, severity, and circumstances
of the act.
Our top priority is providing a safe environment for all our students. As part of that commitment, we are
dedicated to training our students how to treat one another with respect. We appreciate your support in
that endeavor.
(IMAGE: Royalty free images provided by Pixabay / Skitterphoto)